著者名,論文名,雑誌名,ISSN,出版者名,出版日付,巻,号,ページ,URL,URL(DOI) A Loarte and M Becoulet and G Saibene and R Sartori and D J Campbell and T Eich and A Herrmann and M Laux and W Suttrop and B Alper and P J Lomas and G Matthews and S Jachmich and J Ongena and P Innocente and EFDA- JET Workprogramme Collaborators,Characteristics and scaling of energy and particle losses during Type I ELMs in JET H-modes,Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion,0741-3335,IOP Publishing,2002-08-30,44,9,1815-1844,https://cir.nii.ac.jp/crid/1361418519323798528,https://doi.org/10.1088/0741-3335/44/9/303