著者名,論文名,雑誌名,ISSN,出版者名,出版日付,巻,号,ページ,URL,URL(DOI) Kelly L. Wyres and Ryan R. Wick and Louise M. Judd and Roni Froumine and Alex Tokolyi and Claire L. Gorrie and Margaret M. C. Lam and Sebastián Duchêne and Adam Jenney and Kathryn E. Holt,Distinct evolutionary dynamics of horizontal gene transfer in drug resistant and virulent clones of Klebsiella pneumoniae,PLOS Genetics,1553-7404,Public Library of Science (PLoS),2019-04-15,15,4,e1008114,https://cir.nii.ac.jp/crid/1361981469655349248,https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pgen.1008114