Author,Title,Journal,ISSN,Publisher,Date,Volume,Number,Page,URL,URL(DOI) K. Dickstein and A. Cohen-Solal and G. Filippatos and J. J.V. McMurray and P. Ponikowski and P. A. Poole-Wilson and A. Stromberg and D. J. van Veldhuisen and D. Atar and A. W. Hoes and A. Keren and A. Mebazaa and M. Nieminen and S. G. Priori and K. Swedberg and A. Vahanian and J. Camm and R. De Caterina and V. Dean and C. Funck-Brentano and I. Hellemans and S. D. Kristensen and K. McGregor and U. Sechtem and S. Silber and M. Tendera and P. Widimsky and J. L. Zamorano and A. Auricchio and J. Bax and M. Bohm and U. Corra and P. della Bella and P. M. Elliott and F. Follath and M. Gheorghiade and Y. Hasin and A. Hernborg and T. Jaarsma and M. Komajda and R. Kornowski and M. Piepoli and B. Prendergast and L. Tavazzi and J.-L. Vachiery and F. W. A. Verheugt and F. Zannad,ESC Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic heart failure 2008: The Task Force for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Acute and Chronic Heart Failure 2008 of the European Society of Cardiology. Developed in collaboration with the Heart Failure Association of the ESC (HFA) and endorsed by the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine (ESICM),European Heart Journal,0195-668X,Oxford University Press (OUP),2008-09-17,29,19,2388-2442,,