Atomic Scale Characterization of Function Providing Elements

  • Ikuhara Yuichi
    Institute of Engineering Innovation, Department of Materials Science, The University of Tokyo Nanostructures Research Laboratory, Japan Fine Ceramic Center WPI Advanced Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University
  • Shibata Naoya
    Institute of Engineering Innovation, Department of Materials Science, The University of Tokyo
  • Mizoguchi Teruyasu
    Institute of Engineering Innovation, Department of Materials Science, The University of Tokyo
  • Abe Eiji
    Institute of Engineering Innovation, Department of Materials Science, The University of Tokyo

Bibliographic Information

Other Title
  • ナノ機能元素の超微細構造解析
  • ナノ キノウ ゲンソ ノ チョウビサイ コウゾウ カイセキ

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  • Materia Japan

    Materia Japan 48 (6), 284-289, 2009

    The Japan Institute of Metals and Materials

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