Analytical Methods for the Quantification of Bisphenol A, Alkylphenols, Phthalate Esters, and Perfluoronated Chemicals in Biological Samples

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  • NAKAZAWA Hiroyuki
    Department of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Science, Hoshi University
  • IWASAKI Yusuke
    Department of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Science, Hoshi University
  • ITO Rie
    Department of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Science, Hoshi University

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Our modern society has created a large number of chemicals that are used for the production of everyday commodities including toys, food packaging, cosmetic products, and building materials. We enjoy a comfortable and convenient lifestyle with access to these items. In addition, in specialized areas, such as experimental science and various medical fields, laboratory equipment and devices that are manufactured using a wide range of chemical substances are also extensively employed. The association between human exposure to trace hazardous chemicals and an increased incidence of endocrine disease has been recognized. However, the evaluation of human exposure to such endocrine disrupting chemicals is therefore imperative, and the determination of exposure levels requires the analysis of human biological materials, such as blood and urine. To obtain as much information as possible from limited sample sizes, highly sensitive and reliable analytical methods are also required for exposure assessments. The present review focuses on effective analytical methods for the quantification of bisphenol A (BPA), alkylphenols (APs), phthalate esters (PEs), and perfluoronated chemicals (PFCs), which are chemicals used in the production of everyday commodities. Using data obtained from liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (LC/MS) and LC/MS/MS analyses, assessments of the risks to humans were also presented based on the estimated levels of exposure to PFCs.


  • Analytical Sciences

    Analytical Sciences 30 (1), 25-34, 2014

    The Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry

Citations (5)*help

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