Nicergolineに関する薬理学的研究 III  脳および末しょう循環に対する作用


  • Pharmacological study of nicergoline. (III) Effects on cerebral and peripheral circulation in animals.
  • Nicergoline ニ カンスル ヤクリガクテキ ケンキュウ 3 ノウ オ
  • Effects on cerebral and peripheral circulation in animals
  • 脳および末梢循環に対する作用



Effects of nicergoline on the cerebral and peripheral circulation were compared with those of dihydroergotoxine (DHE) and papaverine (PAP) in anesthetized and/or immobilized cats. The i.a. injection of nicergoline (0.032 ?? 32 μg/kg), similarly to PAP, caused dose-dependent increases in intramaxillary artery (as the human intracarotid artery) blood flow (IMBF) and femoral artery blood flow, but the injection of DHE had no effect on these blood flows. The ix. injection of nicergoline (32 ?? 128 μg/kg) caused a dose-dependent fall in blood pressure (BP) and a transient slight decrease in cerebral vascular resistance, but did not affect IMBF, regional cerebral blood flow (r-CBF), intracranial pressure (ICP) and heart rate (HR). The i.v. injection of DHE produced a slight fall in BP and a marked long-lasting decrease in HR, without affecting other parameters. The i.v. injection of PAP (4 mg/kg) induced marked increases in IMBF, r-CBF, ICP and HR and caused a transient fall followed by a marked elevation in BP. The p.o. administration of nicergoline (0.06 ?? 4 mg/kg) caused a dose-dependent fall in BP and selective inhibition of pressure response to adrenalin (ID50: 0.25 mg/kg). The administration of DHE produced marked inhibition of pressure responses to both adrenaline and noradrenaline, accompanied with a slight fall in BP. Furthermore, the administration of nicergoline (3 ?? 100 mg/kg) induced a dose-dependent fall in BP in SHR. These results suggest that the cerebral and peripheral circulatory effects of nicergoline may be due to direct vasodilating action and α-blocking action in the animals.


  • 日本薬理学雑誌

    日本薬理学雑誌 87 (5), 537-549, 1986

    公益社団法人 日本薬理学会

被引用文献 (1)*注記



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