

  • Aerosol Research Using Mt. Fuji and Its Challenges
  • フジサン ニ オケル エアロゾル カンソク ト ソノ カダイ



In order to facilitate the future research of aerosol physics and chemistry by using high altitude platforms in Japan, past observations on precursors and trace gases and aerosol species at the summit of Mt. Fuji are reviewed from the viewpoint of effects by the local wind circulation, which is distinctive meteorology to the mountain range. Although the observed concentrations of aerosol precursors and trace gases were influenced somewhat by the diurnal pattern of the up- and down-slope winds, amplitudes of the diurnal variation in their concentrations were generally smaller than those obtained at other mountains, such as Mauna Loa. For the case of 222Rn observation, 24 h moving averages of the 1 h data gave an excellent accordance with the simulated 1 day average by a chemical transport model. Those facts suggest that the precursors and trace gases data obtained at the summit of Mt. Fuji could characterize the free tropospheric air quality covering an extensive region over the Far East. On the other hand, mass as well as number concentrations of aerosol species exhibited its considerable susceptibility to the diurnal change of mountain and valley winds during summer. With the aid of advanced observation of mountain meteorology and the use of the latest simulation model with grids of a few hundred meters, atmospheric physical structures of the lower and middle troposphere in various scales and accompanied aerosol chemistry as well as its long-range transport and mixing processes should be investigated at the high altitude platforms including Mt. Fuji.




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