Histopathological Study of Alveolar Bone Resorption Induced with Injections of Escherichia coli Endotoxin into Gingiva of T Cell-depleted Mice.

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  • T細胞除去マウス歯肉へのEscherichia coli 内毒素注入により起こる歯槽骨吸収に関する病理組織学的研究

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Alveolar bone resorption induced by repeated injections of Escherichia coli (E. coli) endotoxin into T cell-depleted murine gingiva was examined histometrically to clarify the influences of T cells on bone resorption. The mice were divided into the following four groups; normal BALB/c mice treated with PBS (PBS group) and CD4 and/or CD8 T cell subset-depleted BALB/c mice treated with anti -CD4 and/or anti-CD8 monoclonal antibody (anti -CD4, anti-CD8, anti-CD4+anti-CD8 group). E. coli endotoxin was injected into the gingiva on alternate days. The bone surfaces in contact with osteoclasts were defined as the site of active resorption and bone resorption was evaluated by the ratio of active resorption. After the seventh injection of endotoxin, the ratios of alveolar bone resorption in the PBS and anti-CD8 groups were higher than those of anti-CD4 and anti-CD4+anti-CD8 groups. After the thirteenth injection, anti-CD 4 and anti-CD 8 groups showed lower and, conversely, the anti-CD4+anti-CD8 group showed a higher ratio than the PBS group. These findings suggest that T cells play an important role in alveolar bone resorption caused by endotoxin and that the effects of T cells, especially CD 4 T cells, on alveolar bone resorption are variable, being either accelerative or suppressive during the course of endotoxin treatment.



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