イクメン時代における母子保健での母親支援の課題 : 父親が関わる発達相談事例を通して(<特集>障害とジェンダー)


  • Issues Facing Mothers Support Program of Maternal and Child Health in the "Ikumen" Age : Through the Cases of Child Developmental Consultation with Fathers(<Special Issue>Disability and Gender)
  • イクメン時代における母子保健での母親支援の課題 : 父親が関わる発達相談事例を通して
  • イクメン ジダイ ニ オケル ボシ ホケン デ ノ ハハオヤ シエン ノ カダイ : チチオヤガセキワル ハッタツ ソウダン ジレイ オ トオシテ



"Ikumen" means men who actively take care of their children, and they are encouraged by the state. This paper aims to clarify the issues facing mothers support program of maternal child health in the "Ikumen" age. Through two cases of child developmental consultation with fathers, which were hard to approach, this study found that there were mothers who had self-esteem problem in unequal or competitive relationships with their husband, and they had some difficulty puttng into words what were on their minds. The result suggested that supporters, as Public Health Nurse and counseling staff, need to give first priority to support mothers in accordance with the philisophy of Maternal and Child Health Act.


  • 心理科学

    心理科学 36 (2), 19-28, 2015


詳細情報 詳細情報について

