Risk Assessment for Treatment of Low-concentration PCB Wastes

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  • 低濃度PCB廃棄物処理に伴う労働者と周辺住民の安全性評価
  • テイノウド PCB ハイキブツ ショリ ニ トモナウ ロウドウシャ ト シュウヘン ジュウミン ノ アンゼンセイ ヒョウカ

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We provide predictive equations for polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) concentrations in air at equilibrium with oil contaminated with PCB, and for dilution in forced-ventilation rooms and naturally ventilated rooms or outdoors. We estimated that PCB concentrations in working areas resulting from emission of saturated gas during transfer of waste, volatilization from open storage waste and from cutting large electric equipment. And the concentrations are 10-106 times as low as the management standard except for cases of volatilization from JESCOʼs plastic waste or rag and of cutting electric equipment with high PCB concentration. Moreover, care should be taken concerning workersʼ PCB intake through skin contact. The inhalation concentrations of residents near treatment facilities and at the maximum reaching point of flue gas are 1.1×106-4.3×102 and 1.0×109-1.4×105 times as low as the air standard, respectively. In addition, we estimate that the PCB concentrations in working rooms and wastewater, and the intake from contaminated soil in oil leakage accidents. And the concentrations are much less than the standard in each case. The dioxin equivalent concentration and intake of PCB are also estimated to be much less than the standard for each case.



    ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE 28 (5), 369-382, 2015


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