業種構成からみた都市内部における事業所の立地パターン : 広島市の場合


  • The Intra-Urban Location Pattern of the Establishments in Hiroshima City
  • ギョウシュ コウセイ カラ ミタ トシ ナイブ ニ オケル ジギョウショ ノ



The purpose of this study is to consider the regional structure of Hiroshima City from a viewpoint of the intra-urban location pattern of the establishments. The old urban area in Hiroshima City has a population of approximately 550, OOO and an area of 48 square kilometers, where most of the urban functions of the present urban area are concentrated. That is to say, this area is the center of economic, social, cultural and governmental activities in Hiroshirna City. The study was based on a data matrix consisting of 70 variables by using the classified telephone directory and 200 areal units, and this data matrix is applied to a multivariate analysis. The main results of this study are summarized as follows : (1) Factor analysis is applied to a locational specialization tendency. Nine functional factors could be interpreted. They are namely, ( I ) a financial and administrative function factor (H) a convenience good and service function factor (IID a manufacturing and building function factor (IV) a shopping good retailing and wholesaling function factor (V) a textile wholesaling and hotel furrction factor (VD a perishable foodstuff retailing and wholesaling function factor (Vrr) a religious and educational function factor (VED a shipbuilding and warehouse function factor (lX) an eating and drinking function factor Therefore, it is pointed out that the establishments in the old urban section of Hiroshirna City are locational-specialized in these nine functional groups. Especially ( I ), (IV), (~O in these functional groups are the main elements which make up the intra-urban location pattern as shown in the high level of explained variance. (2) From the distributional tendency of the factor score, it is suggested that three functions consisting of financial and administrative, shopping good retailing, eating and drinking are concentrated in the city centre, morever that these three functions have formed clearly functional differenciation areas. The manufacturing function has been concentrated on the old urban fringe where traditional minor factories are characteristic, and on the seaside area where the shipbuilding industry and automotive industry with modern large factories are located. (3) According to the relationship between the distribution of each factor score and the distance from civic center, the location pattern of the nine functions is set up the concentric model. This model is more fully developed by considering the distribution of the dominant district of each function, and it suggests the location pattern model as shown in Fig. 4. (4) By the application of cluster analysis to the factor score, five groups of functional districts can be identified. They are as follows : (A) a no-dominant function district group (B) a manufacturing and building function district group (C) a no-dominant manufacturing and building function district group (D) a financial and administrative function district group (E) a manufacturing and building function district group (E is more dominant than B) As (~), (C), (D) in the five groups have respectively many constituent districts and variations, their groups can be divided into several subgroups. Futhermore, it is pointed out from the whole tendency of the distribution of grouping districts that the nearer the district is to the city centre, the more dominant the functional aeral diffe-rentiation is. The above stated is the l~esult of this study which was to try to clarify one side of the intra-urban regional structure, that is, the location pattern of the establishments. As a next reseach step it will be my task to attempt an analysis of the location pattern of the residential function w'nich is a very important constituent element in the urban structure. Morever, in order to grasp the establishment location pattern from a dynamic viewpoint, the formative process and factors of the location pattern must be made clear, too.


  • 地理科学

    地理科学 31 (0), 10-20, 1979


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