仙台市太白区南部にみられる断層露頭  テフラ層序と断層活動期の再検討を中心として


  • Outcrop of Tsubonuma Fault in the South of Sendai City, Northeast Japan.
  • センダイシ タイハクク ナンブ ニ ミラレル ダンソウ ロトウテフラソウジョ ト ダンソウ カツドウキ ノ サイケントウ オ チュウシン ト シテ
  • テフラ層序と断層活動期の再検討を中心として



The Tsubonuma Fault and the Enda Fault, which strike NE to ENE and dip NW, are referred to as active reverse faults. This paper aims to describe an outcrop which is located in the south of Sendai City along the Tsubonuma Fault, and to obtain the data on faulting. At this locality, the Lower Miocene pyroclastic rock (Takadate Formation) thrusts over the Pleistocene tephra sequence. Following four marker tephra layers which are Middle Pleistocene in age are discernible in the sequence on the basis of their lithofacies and the chemical composition of ferromagnetic minerals: Tsubonuma Lithic Fragments Layer (Tblf), Tsubonuma-2 Pumice Layer (TbP2), Tsubonuma-3 Pumice Layer (TbP3), and Tsubonuma-4 Pumice Layer (TbP4), in ascending order. It becomes obvious that the Tsubonuma Fault moved after the deposition of TbP4 which is the uppermost Middle Pleistocene marker tephra in the environs of Sendai. Such as the net slip and the beginning of the faulting should be further confirmed in detail, in order to clarify the trend of neotectonics in the outer zone of Northeast Japan Arc.


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