

  • Interregional Relationship from the Perspective of the Locations and Mining Area Ownership of Oil Companies during the Rise of Private Corporations in Niigata Prefecture.
  • キギョウ ボッコウキ ノ ニイガタケン ニ オケル セキユ ガイシャ ノ リッチ ト コウク ショユウ カラ ミタ チイキ カン カンケイ



This research attempted to determine the interregional relationship from the perspective of the locations and mining area ownership trends of oil companies in Niigata prefecture focusing on the year 1892 during the rise of private corporations, the results of which are as described below.<br>Although there were 484 oil companies located in Niigata prefecture in 1892, 396 of those companies, corresponding to 94% of all oil companies in the prefecture, had their headquarters located in Koshi county. However, many of these oil companies only had capital on the level of 10, 000 yen and operated on a small scale. In addition, with respect to the geographical distribution of mining areas in that same year as well, mining areas have been confirmed to be highly concentrated in Koshi county in the same manner as the headquarters mentioned above.<br>The headquarters and mining areas of these oil companies were equivalent to the management sectors and production sectors, respectively. Interregional division of labor was formed within these companies in the case these two sectors were physically separated. Among oil companies located in Niigata prefecture, the Nagaoka district of Koshi county was a prominent site for the central location of the management sector. As a result, each company established its management facilities there, while retaining production sectors in the form of mining areas in Koshi county and other agricultural and mountain villages. This development of interregional division of labor within these private corporations served to activate the development of oil fields, while simultaneously weakening the authority of towns and villages located in mining areas to determine the course of local development.


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