

  • Theoretical Examination of the Methods for Estimating Fiber Orientation Distribution and Length Estimation from the Surface of a Short Fiber Reinforced Composite
  • シリョウ ヒョウメン カラ ノ カンサツ ニ ヨル タンセンイ キョウカ フクゴウザイ ノ センイ ホウコウ ブンプ オヨビ ナガサ ソクテイ ニ カンスル リロンテキ ケントウ



In this study, the method of estimating fiber orientation distribution in a short fiber reinforced composite is numerically examined. Accuracy of fiber length obtained by the simple theory is also examined. For this purpose, packing of the fibers in space is simulated by a computer. The fibers are packed on a cubic. Position and orientation are given to a candidate fiber by random numbers. The candidate fiber is arranged in the cubic. If the fiber does not overlap other fibers already existing, the candidate fiber is adopted as a regular fiber in the composite. This procedure is repeated until becoming prescribed fiber volume fraction. The short fiber reinforced composite made on the computer is sliced to prescribed thickness. The sliced composite is observed, and orientation of fibers is measured from the composite surface. Fiber orientation distribution is calculated from the data obtained by the measurement. The estimated distribution is well near actual distribution in the composite. Furthermore, the average fiber length is estimated by substituting the number of the fiber tips counted from the composite surface to the simple theory. The estimated fiber length is about 8% to 20% larger than the actual fiber length.


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