Consideration of the Route of Nutrition as the Parameters of Nutrition Assessment at Intervention by Surgical Nutritional Support Team (NST)

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  • 外科系の栄養サポートチーム(NST)におけるNST介入の評価項目としての栄養補給ルートの検討

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Nutrition assessment is important for nutrition therapy in nutritional support team (NST) work. The route of nutrition should also be chosen when considering whether or not to use the intestine. However, there have been no reports that have studied nutritional states for each route of nutrition. That is why the present study focuses on the route of nutrition, comparing treatment day and nutritional state, and then, by studying 70 cases, considers the practicality of adding the route of nutrition to the parameters of nutrition assessment at intervention by NST. The treatment day showed no significant differences regarding the route of nutrition, but showed the feature that cancer cases who received only parenteral nutrition were malnourished. Focusing on the route of nutrition can also be done simply and quickly, so it is considered to be a good indicator of the parameters of nutrition assessment at intervention by NST. As indicated above, to focus on the route of nutrition is useful to indicate the parameters of nutrition assessment at intervention by NST.



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