Older Mothers' Experiences about the Independence of Their Children with Intellectual Disabilities: A Qualitative Study with Trajectory Equifinality Model (TEM) Analysis

  • FUKUDA Masumi
    社会福祉法人武蔵野会 世田谷区立烏山福祉作業所 ルーテル学院大学大学院総合人間学研究科(博士後期課程)

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<p>The purpose of this study was to visualize older mothers' behaviors and perceptions, and the factors contributing to them, in their experiences about the independence of their sons or daughters with intellectual disabilities as they moved from their parental homes to group homes. In the study, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 11 mothers aged more than 60 years when their children gained independence. Analysis of their answers was conducted using the Trajectory Equifinality Model (TEM).</p><p>Mothers' experiences began by “noticing a strange feeling”. Moving between “an unspoken connection that cannot be logically explained” and “successful experiences of separation between children and parents,” mothers who sent their children to group homes felt they were driven to this decision by the mothers' agitation. The mothers' experiences about their children's independence continued after this, falling into two types: “feeling relieved of a burden” and “continuing to experience difficulty in this dual existence”.</p><p>The study revealed that this prompted mothers to rethink their future. The results indicate the need to provide: (1) opportunities and information for mothers to envision their children's future, (2) well-timed support that raises awareness around self-reliance, and (3) continuous support for mothers and children after the children's independence is achieved.</p>


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