サトウダイコン主根サッカラーゼ IV  発芽期のサトウダイコンにおける細胞壁画分の結合型サッカラーゼの存在とその性質


  • Occurrence and Some Properties of NaCl-Released Saccharase from the Cell Wall in Germinating Sugar Beet
  • ハツガキ ノ テンサイ ニ オケル サイボウヘキ カクブン ノ ケツゴウガタ



Saccharase in the cell wall preparation of hypocotyls and roots of germinating sugar beets was investigated with reference to saccharase isolated from the aged tissue slices of the mature roots.<br> Effect of sodium chloride concentration on release of the enzyme, insolubilization by decreasing the salt concentration, pH or temperature dependence on the activity and the stability, and pattern of gel filtration on Sepharose 6 B were quite identical with saccharase from the mature root tissue.<br> Changes in saccharase activity and in sugar content during germination period were also studied. The enzyme activity decreased to a certain extent after four days of germination, and later the activity remained approximately at a constant level. But no appreciable changes in specific activity or activity per mg dry weight of cell wall preparation were observed throughout the germination period tested.


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