Thermal Fatigue Reliability Estimation for Underfill Assmbly Using SDSS and FEA.

  • KAGA Yasuhisa
    Ecology & Energy Laboratory, Furukawa Electric Co., Ltd. Graduate School, Yokohama National University
  • YU Qiang
    Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science, Yokohama National University
  • SHIRATORI Masaki
    Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science, Yokohama National University

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Other Title
  • 統計的設計システムを用いた有限要素法によるアンダーフィル実装構造の熱疲労信頼性評価


Recently, the underfill mount structure is noticed. However, the sufficient thermal fatigue reliability evaluation has not been established. In this study, the authors proposed a simple reliability evaluation method using Finite Element Analysis (FEA) . In addition, an approximate calculating method for the reliability evaluation parameter (Total equivalent inelastic strain range) was developed using Statistical Design Support System (SDSS) .


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