

  • Study on Weekend-Weekday Differences in Ambient Oxidant Concentrations in Hyogo Prefecture
  • ヒョウゴケン ニ オケル シュウマツ オキシダント ノウド ニ カンスル イチ コウサツ



Ozone concentrations in some areas tend to be higher on weekends than on weekdays, in spite of the fact that ozone precursors are lower on weekends than on weekdays. This phenomenon is known as the “Weekend effect.” As a result of the analysis of data gathered from monitoring stations over the period 1976-2003, the weekend effect was observed at all 13 of the selected monitoring stations in Hyogo prefecture. The weekend-weekday difference of the concentration of photochemical oxidants (Ox), which was averaged over the measurement period at all stations, was 6%; while those of nitric oxide (NO), oxides of nitrogen (NOx) and non-methane hydrocarbons (NMHC) were-34%, -27% and -16%, respectively. The weekend effect varied in areas, with the maximum difference of Ox at Amagasaki City, 11%, and the minimum difference at Tamba City, 1%. The diurnal variation in OX by day of week at Amagasaki City in 1997, when the annual weekend-weekday difference of Ox was the greatest, showed that the concentrations of Ox were higher on Saturday afternoon and Sunday all day compared to weekdays. The following causes for the weekend effect were considered, (1) less ozone quenching by NO emission reductions, (2) NOx emission reductions under VOC-limited conditions.


  • 大気環境学会誌

    大気環境学会誌 40 (5), 201-208, 2005

    公益社団法人 大気環境学会

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