混合ガスを用いた高次高調波発生: アト秒ダイナミクスの観測と制御


  • High-Order Harmonic Generation by Using Mixed Gases Target: Measurement and Control of Ultrafast Attosecond Dynamics
  • コンゴウ ガス オ モチイタ コウジ コウチョウハ ハッセイ アトビョウ ダイナミクス ノ カンソク ト セイギョ



We present the two experimental results of high-order harmonic generation (HHG) using mixed gases target, one is the dramatic enhancement effect, and the other is the destructive and constructive interference of HHG. The dramatic enhancement effect was realized by simultaneous irradiation of XUV attosecond pulse train (APT) to assist optical field ionization. The harmonic yield generated from He atoms increased by a factor of 4×103with booster APT form Xe atoms. And also, the destructive and constructive interference of HHG in a mixed gas of He and Ne facilitate the coherent control of HHG. The observed interference modulation was attributed to the difference between the phases of the intrinsically chirped harmonic pulses from He and Ne, which leads to a novel method for broadband measurement of the harmonic phases. The mixture gas system is an attractive medium not only to control HHG but also to observe ultrafast dynamics of electrons and molecules.


  • レーザー研究

    レーザー研究 36 (1), 5-11, 2008

    一般社団法人 レーザー学会

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