

  • A Brief Review of Recent Studies on the Taxonomy, Body Plan, and Gastrovascular Canal System of the Ctenophora
  • ユウシツ ドウブツ ノ ブンルイガク ト ソノ イカン セツゾク コウゾウ



This paper briefly reviews recent studies of the phylum Ctenophora with emphasis on the body plan and the gastrovascular canal system. Ctenophores are still very poorly known taxa because of the difficulty in preserving entire and intact specimens of such fragile bodied animals. Although 100-150 species have been described (Mills, 2005), this number is most probably an overestimation; there are a considerable number of species with questionable species-status. Recent studies of deep sea fauna using submersibles have revealed several new species (e.g., Thalassocalyce inconstans Madin and Harbison, 1978; Bathocyroe forsteri Madin and Harbison, 1978; Lampocteis cruentiventer Harbison, Matsumoto and Robison, 2001). The Japanese coastal species, Lobatolampea tetragona Horita, 2000, was described as a new genus and species, and a new family was established for it. These new forms possess a peculiar gastrovascular canal system respectively, a character that may contribute significantly to a future revision of the systematics of the Ctenophora.


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