Simple Determination on Strain Energy Distribution of Components in Mechanical System Based on Modal Analysis.

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  • モーダル解析による機構系構成部品のひずみエネルギー分布の簡易算出法
  • モーダル カイセキ ニ ヨル キコウケイ コウセイ ブヒン ノ ヒズミ エネル

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The experimental modal analysis is widely utilized to analyze the dynamic behaviors of a complex mechanical system. However in order to find components which contribute largely to the total deformation at specific frequencies, the mode shape animation as a result of conventional modal analysis is not good enough. On the contrary, if a precise finite element model of the system is available, which is very seldom, the strain energy distribution of components gives a good insight which components contribute to the total deformation. This paper describes a practical and simple method based on the results of modal analysis to determine such strain energy distribution. After being verified by a numerical model, the method is applied to simple structures and finally an automobile suspension system to show the effectiveness.


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