

  • A survived case of acute fatty liver of pregnancy
  • キュウセイ ニンシン シボウカン ノ 1 キュウメイレイ



Since the first report of acute fatty liver of pregnancy by Sheehan in 1940, rare survivals have been reported. Recently we had an opportunity to treat a patient with acute fatty liver of pregnancy successfully.<BR>A-27-year-old woman appeared jaundice in 37th gestation and was admitted to University Hospital. On admission, SGOT was 73U, total bilirubin 8.6mg/dl, thrombotest 52%. She was undergone Caesarean section and delivered a healthy neonate on the 3rd hospital day. The liver obtained at the operation showed diffuse fine droplet of fatty infiltration of hepatocytes associated with cholestasis. The second biopsy on the 37th hospital day showed normal liver histology and both mother and child discharged on the 46th hospital day.<BR>In this report, we emphasize the need of accurate diagnosis of the disease and termination of pregnancy without hesitation.


  • 肝臓

    肝臓 23 (3), 313-316, 1982

    一般社団法人 日本肝臓学会

詳細情報 詳細情報について

