地方大学病院における悪性腫瘍患者の終末期医療の現状について : 遺族へのアンケート調査より


  • Terminal Care for Malignant Tumors and Family Members' Impressions on It in a University Hospital
  • チホウ ダイガク ビョウイン ニ オケル アクセイ シュヨウ カンジャ ノ シ



Terminal cares for patients with malignant tumors were examined using questionnaires to families of the deceased during 1990 and 1991 in medical wards of Kagoshima University Hospital. The questionnaires were mailed back from 40 families (46%). Most of the patients (37 patients, 93%) were not told about their real diagnoses but seven (19%) of them were aware of it; 19 (51%) doubted and 10 (27%) were not aware of it (according to families' impressions). Twenty-two (59%) stated positive evaluation for the fact that the deceased were not told about their real diagnoses. Only three patients were told about the diagnoses and two of their families evaluated the fact positively and none did it negatively. Twenty-seven patients had sustained pains due to their diseases during their terminal stages but their pains were satisfactorily controlled in 23 (85%) of them; fairly controlled in 4 (15%) and poorly in none. Mechanical respirators were applied to 17 patients but only 5 of their families made positive assessment as to the life-prolongation even using respirators. In general, 22% of families were very satisfied with doctors' medical cares; 38% were satisfied; 5% were not satisfied and 28% very satisfied with nursing cares; 43% satisfied; 2% not satisfied.


  • 心身医学

    心身医学 34 (5), 377-384, 1994

    一般社団法人 日本心身医学会

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