Author,Title,Journal,ISSN,Publisher,Date,Volume,Number,Page,URL,URL(DOI) YASUNO Masayuki and MACDONALD W. W. and CURTIS C. F. and GROVER K. K. and RAJAGOPALAN P. K. and SHARWA L. S. and SHARMA V. P. and SINGH D. and SINGH K. R. P. and AGARWAL H. V. and KAZMI S. J. and MENON P. K. B. and MENON R. and RAZDAN R. K. and SAMUEL D. and VAIDYANATHAN V.,A control experiment with chemosterilized male Culex pipiens fatigans Wied. in a village near Delhi surrounded by a breeding-free zone,Medical Entomology and Zoology,04247086,The Japan Society of Medical Entomology and Zoology,1978,29,4,325-343,,