Studies on the biological control of an intermediate host of Trematoda by tropical fishes

  • MIYASHITA Mamoru
    Department of Parasitology, The Institute of Medical Science, University of Tokyo
  • TANAKA Hiroshi
    Department of Parasitology, The Institute of Medical Science, University of Tokyo
    Department of Parasitology, The Institute of Medical Science, University of Tokyo
  • ICHIMORI Kazuyo
    Department of Parasitology, The Institute of Medical Science, University of Tokyo

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Other Title
  • 熱帯魚による吸虫類の中間宿主貝の殺貝効果
  • ネッタイギョ ニヨル キュウチュウルイ ノ チュウカン シュクシュ カイ ノ

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The schistosomiasis is widely scattered in the world and various control measures have been undertaken to reduce the population of intermediate snail hosts. In the present study, the killing efficiency of 9 kinds of tropical fishes were examined against the intermediate hosts of schistosomes. Fishes examined were Cichlasoma nigrofasciatum, C. biocellatum, C. elisalium, C. festivum, Tilapia galilaea, Anoptichthys jordani, Barbus tetrazona tetrazona and B. semifasciolatus. A fish was released into a polystyrene aquarium (23×17×21cm) along with 20 snails, and a sheet of Salan net was inserted horizontally into water at a level of 10cm from the bottom to prevent snails crowling out of the aquarium. Among 9 tropical fishes listed above, Cichlidae was more effective than Characidae or Cyprinidae to kill the snail, Biomphalaria glabrata. Besides, C. nigrofasciatum or convict cichlid was found to be most efficient. The number of B. glabrata killed by a C. nigrofasciatum increased with the increase of snail population from 20 to 60. However, it decreased when the water plant, Hydrilla verticillata, was placed into the aquarium with snails. For example, among 100 snails exposed to 5 fishes in a large aquarium (70×40×22cm), 45 were killed with plant while against 59 without plant. Oncomelania nosophora and Lymnea (Galba) ollura were killed by C. nigrofasciatum effectively as B. glabrata were. The youngs of the guppy, Poecilia reticulata were killed by all the tropical fishes tested within 48 hours.


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