Optical Storage Technology Development in Taiwan.

  • Lean Eric
    Opto-Electronics & Systems Labs, Industrial Technology Research Institute
  • Ju Jau-Jiu
    Opto-Electronics & Systems Labs, Industrial Technology Research Institute
  • Yang Tzu-Ping
    Opto-Electronics & Systems Labs, Industrial Technology Research Institute
  • Huang Der-Ray
    Opto-Electronics & Systems Labs, Industrial Technology Research Institute



The Optoelectronics industry in Taiwan has recently grown at a very rapid rate with an annual compound growth rate about 35% last five years. One of rapid optoelectronics industry growth came from the growth of optical storage products in Taiwan. For example CD-ROM productive in Taiwan, which did not have any production in 1993, reached 45 millions units (about 47% of world wide market share) in 1999.<BR>DVD products have begun to replace CD products for the current major optical storage application in PC and consumer electronics. We have successfully developed key components needs in DVD application. As the optical storage technologies is continuous to develop in order to keep up with the rapid advances in hard disk storage technology. We are working on the key technologies for the net generation optical storage products, such as HD-DVD and optical write/Magnetic read technologies. In this paper, the current status of DVD and HD-DVD key components and key technologies in Taiwan R&D communities will be reviewed.


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