Visualization of Multiphase Flow Using Neutron Radiography and PIV/PTV

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  • 中性子ラジオグラフィによる混相流の可視化とPIV/PTV
  • チュウセイシ ラジオ グラフィ ニ ヨル コンソウリュウ ノ カシカ ト PIV PTV

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Neutron radiography is one of radiographic methods, which makes use of the difference of attenuation coefficient of a neutron beam in different materials and has been used for many scientific and engineering applications. Since neutron radiography enables visualization of optically opaque fluid, it has been used for visualization and measurement of various multiphase flows. This paper reviews some of applications of neutron radiography to visualization and measurement of multiphase flows which have been performed in our laboratory.



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