

  • Studies on the Fractionation and Denaturation of Casein
  • カゼイン ノ ブンカク オヨビ ヘンセイ ニ ツイテ 5
  • V. カゼインのN-末端アミノ酸とレンニン変性におけるその変化
  • V. N-terminal Amino Acids of Native and Rennin-Treated Casein



The determination of the N-terminal amino groups of αR- and κ-casein was carried out by the DNP method. The N-terminal amino acids of αR-casein were detected to be arginine (0.42mol), lysin (0.5mol), and glutamic acid (0.4mol) per 105g protein. The N-terminal amio acids of κ-casein were detected to be arginine (2.6mol), lysine (0.6mol), glutamic acid (0.5mol), and leucine (0.4mol) per 105g protein.<br>Provided that the molecular weights of αR- and κ-casein are about 20, 000, arginine is considered to be the sole N-terminal amino acid and the other amino acids are too small in amount to be accounted as N-terminal amino acids in αR-casein. Moreover, arginine is found to be N-terminal amino acid on the border line and of the other amino acids are too small in amount to be accounted as N-terminal amino acids in native κ-casein.<br>The N-terminal amino groups of those kinds of casein before and after rennin treatment were determine by the DNP method. A slight change was observed in rennin-treated κ-casein; lysine and argine were detected in smaller quantities and a small amount of the new amino acid methionine appeared. No remarkable change was observed in rennin-treated αR-casein, though phenylalanine showed a slight increase.


  • 日本畜産学会報

    日本畜産学会報 33 (2), 175-180, 1962

    公益社団法人 日本畜産学会

詳細情報 詳細情報について

