

  • Preparation of Clothing Leather from Wet White Stocks of Pig Skin
  • ブタ ウェットホワイト カラ ノ イリョウヨウ カワ ノ セイゾウ エイブン



The purpose of the present study is to investigate the removal of aluminum from wet white stock of pig skin prepared by the use of aluminum sulfate and to study the suitability of the stock as a raw material for clothing suede. In removing aluminum from wet white stock in the repickling step, adjustment of the pH of the bath with sulfuric acid alone was found to be more effective than a mixture of sulfuric acid and an organic acid. When a masking agent was used in the preparation of wet white stock, there sometimes occurred an increase in aluminum content of the stock depending on the type of agent used. When the removal of aluminum from wet white stock was made by repickling after adjustment of the stock thickness, preparation of wet white stock by the use of aluminum sulfate alone was preferable. Physical properties, including strength of the clothing suede made from wet white stock, were equal or superior to those of leather made from wet blue, although the former tended to become thicker than the latter. The results of this study indicated that the clothing suede made by chrome retanning of wet white stock had no disadvantage as compared to conventional chrome leather.


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