
  • 鈴木 俊明
    関西医療大学大学院 保健医療学研究科 関西医療大学保健医療学部 臨床理学療法学教室
  • 文野 住文
    関西医療大学大学院 保健医療学研究科 関西医療大学保健医療学部 臨床理学療法学教室
  • 鬼形 周恵子
    関西医療大学保健医療学部 臨床理学療法学教室
  • 谷 万喜子
    関西医療大学大学院 保健医療学研究科 関西医療大学保健医療学部 臨床理学療法学教室
  • 米田 浩久
    関西医療大学大学院 保健医療学研究科 関西医療大学保健医療学部 臨床理学療法学教室


  • Approach for Abnormality of Muscle Tonus
  • キン キンチョウ イジョウ ニ タイスル アプローチ



For the adequate management of abnormal muscle tonus, it is important to first determine the underlying etiologies. These include primary causes such as spasticity, rigidity, and flaccidity, and secondary causes such as muscle and skin shortening. This study discusses whether abnormal muscle tonus is directly caused by primary etiologies or by a combination of primary and secondary etiologies, and describes treatment strategies for both types. Specific approaches for the management of abnormal muscle tonus are as follows. For secondary impairments such as skin and muscle shortening, measures to directly stretch the muscles and skin are considered effective. For primary impairments, prolonged stretching, motor imagery, and measures to enhance voluntary movements are important approaches. Patients can be self-trained in these approaches, which can improve the muscle tonus by altering brain and muscle function.<br>


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