A case of successful lifestyle intervention for a patient with refractory ulcer

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  • 難治性潰瘍患者の生活習慣に介入し治癒過程へ向かった一症例
  • ナンチセイ カイヨウ カンジャ ノ セイカツ シュウカン ニ カイニュウ シ チユ カテイ エ ムカッタ イチ ショウレイ

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Calluses and corns occur in daily life due to weakened toe flexor, abductor, and interosseous muscles of the foot. Unhealthy lifestyles may lead to their ulceration and delays in their healing. This paper reports a patient with refractory ulcer in a region of the left ankle, displaced from the site of normal foot loading. Lifestyle intervention focusing on the patient’s daily activities during hospitalization successfully promoted the healing process.



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