

  • Viscoelastic Properties and Slip Fracture of Bentonite Gels
  • ベントナイト ゲル ノ ネンダンセイ ト スベリ ハカイ



The hydrogel of Wyoming bentonite shows characteristic slip patterns under critical stress σ0, i.e. the shear strength for slip fracture. The shear strength of the bentonite gels is related to the shear modulus G, as shown by the Eq. (1). G varies depending upon the concentration, and the ptoportional constant γ0 takes values ranging from 1/10 to 1/30, which depend on the strain rate.<BR>In this report, the dependence of σ0, G, γ0 and viscosity η on the temperature and the relation between σ0 and η were observed by the cone and plate method. The experimental results in Table I show the dependence of viscoelastic properties of bentonite gels on the concentration at 25°C, Over the wide range of concentration examined, a linear relation (2) is obtained between σ0 and η, as shown in Fig. 1. A proportional constant R in this equation is approximately equal to 5×10-5sec-1, which is the lower critical rate of strain for the slip fracture. These facts suggest that γ0 is proportional to η/G. σ0 and G increase with the increasing temperature between 3-50°C, but take almost constant values at the temperature between 50-70°C, as shown in Fig. 2. Fig. 3 shows the facts that η and η/G decrease with the increasing temperature between 3-70°C. Over the whole range of temperature examined, the linear relation (1) holds between σ0 and G, and then γ0 is independent of temperature, as shown in Fig. 4 and Table II.


  • 材料

    材料 17 (175), 279-281, 1968

    公益社団法人 日本材料学会

詳細情報 詳細情報について

