Profile of Hematological Values in Hybrid Hairless Dogs

  • KIMURA Tohru
    <I>Research Center, Tsukuba Research Branch, Nihon Nosan Kogyo Co., Ltd.</I>
  • OHSHIMA Seinosuke
    <I>Research Center, Tsukuba Research Branch, Nihon Nosan Kogyo Co., Ltd.</I>
  • IIDA Kusuo
    <I>Research Center, Nihon Nosan Kogyo Co., Ltd.</I>

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  • ヘアレス犬の血液学的所見
  • ヘアレス イヌ ノ ケツエキガクテキ ショケン

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The purpose of this paper is to describe some fundamental physiological data in F 1 hybrids bred from a Mexican hairless dog and beagle cross. These F 1 hybrids numbered 5 hairless dogs and 12 haired dogs. The hematological profile of these offspring was assessed via an automated cell counter and compared with those of healthy beagles. In hairless dogs, red blood cell count, hemoglobin concentration and packed cell volume tended to be higher than in beagles. White cell distribution curves in hairless dogs and beagles yielded a single peak, while in haired dogs one or two peaks were present. Red blood cell and platelet distribution curves revealed few differences among the 3 kinds of dogs.


  • Experimental Animals

    Experimental Animals 39 (3), 417-420, 1990

    Japanese Association for Laboratory Animal Science

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