Effects of Atherogenic Diet on Young Farm Pigs

  • KUWAHARA Masayoshi
    <I>Department of Comparative Pathophysiology, Faculty of Agriculture, The University of Tokyo</I>
  • SUGANO Shigeru
    <I>Department of Comparative Pathophysiology, Faculty of Agriculture, The University of Tokyo</I>

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  • 若齢期ブタに対する高脂肪食給与の影響
  • ジャクレイキ ブタ ニ タイスル コウ シボウショク キュウヨ ノ エイキョウ

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This study was designed to assess the usefulness of young farm pigs as an experimental model for hypercholesterolemia. In order to test this, we investigated both serologic and electrocardiographic effects of atherogenic diet. Four-week-old pigs were fed an atherogenic diet for 8 weeks. No arrhythmia was observed on ECG in all animals. There were no significant difference between control and atherogenic diet group on the values of ECG parameters. However, plasma lipids values of atherogenic diet group were significantly (p<0.05) higher than those of control diet group. Thus, hypercholesterolemia was induced in young farm pigs by feeding atherogenic diet in a relatively short time. This fact suggests that young farm pigs may be an useful model for further studies of the effect of hypercholesterolemia on cardiovascular function and the early pathogenesis of atherosclerosis.


  • Experimental Animals

    Experimental Animals 41 (1), 71-73, 1992

    Japanese Association for Laboratory Animal Science

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