A domain decomposition technique based on the multiscale seamless-domain method


<p>We present a domain decomposition technique combining the finite-element analysis and a multiscale simulation scheme that is termed the seamless-domain method. This technique is applicable to any type of linear problems and has the below different features from conventional substructuring techniques used for finite-element methods such as the super-elements. Adjacent substructures do not need to have the same finite-element mesh or the same node layout at their interface. Therefore, the proposed technique allows us to connect a substructure having a coarse mesh and another substructure having a fine mesh. Additionally, the neighboring substructures are partially overlapped each other around their interfacial region. The overlapped region attempts to generate continuous dependent-variable distribution(s) at the interfacial region. We present four types of numerical experiments related to linear elasticity to investigate practical feasibility of the proposed technique and evaluate an effect of different finite-element meshes in region shared by two substructures on the computational accuracy.</p>


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