Influence of Roll Motion on Ship Manoeuvrability

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  • 操縦運動時における横傾斜に関する一考察
  • ソウジュウ ウンドウジ ニ オケル ヨコケイシャ ニ カンスル イチコウサツ

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International Maritime Organization (IMO) adopted interim standards of ship manoeuvrability to eliminate ships which have insufficient manoeuvrability from viewpoint of marine safety. The standards require to carry out sea trial in full load and even keel condition at deep and unrestricted water to specify ship manoeuvrability. Though value of <GM>^^^- or ship speed are important factors which would have much influence on ship manoeuvrability, these conditions are not provided in the interim standards. Generally container ships or RORO ships often have small <GM>^^^- and large <KG>^^^- depending on loading conditions. Then the effect of roll motion on ship manoeuvrability will be not negligible for such ships. In this paper, we carried out measurement of hydrodynamic forces such as lateral force and yaw moment acting on ship hull to clarify the effect of roll motion on the hydrodynamic forces. We also performed numerical simulations of ship manoeuvring motion including roll motion. From the numerical simulations, it is found that ship manoeuvrability would be different depending on value of <GM>^^^- or ship speed. As for 20/20 zig-zag manoeuvre, value of 1st overshoot angle may exceeds criteria depending on the circumstances. Then it will be important to take the effect of roll motion on ship manoeuvrability into account to evaluate the ship manoeuvrability at design stage.


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