A Relationship between Characteristics of Natural Environments and Water Supply & Drainage Network in Kozoji New Town

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  • 高蔵寺ニュータウンの給水・排水系統と開発以前の地形との関連
  • コウゾウジ ニュータウン ノ キュウスイ ・ ハイスイ ケイトウ ト カイハツ イゼン ノ チケイ ト ノ カンレン

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<p>The new town, built to respond for housing demand in high economic growth period, had been developed in hilly suburbs area. Development plans of such new towns seem to be related natural environments closely, especially to former, original landform. Kozoji New Town, located in northeast part of Nagoya metropolitan area, was one of such new towns in the hilly area. In this study, we focused on water supply and drainage system of Kozoji New Town, to examine the effect of original landform to the development plan and urban infrastructure of the NT. The drainage system and districts follow the former valleys and ridges, while the water supply system and districts distribute water in accordance with altitudes. We also identified modification of these systems, influenced by constructing highrise buildings on ridges. We concluded that characteristics of the infrastructure of Kozoji New Town are still related to former natural environment.</p>



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