A Study on the Educational Use of a Science Video Using a Case Study from Low Temperature Physics

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  • 低温物理学を事例とした科学映像の教育利用に関する一考察
  • テイオン ブツリガク オ ジレイ ト シタ カガク エイゾウ ノ キョウイク リヨウ ニ カンスル イチ コウサツ

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Education in science and technology is currently an important social issue. A set of video programs about low temperature physics produced by university teaching staff was shown to elementary, junior high, high school and university students and teachers, who were asked to reply to a questionnaire. Using this video about a particular area of science, viewpoints and opinions on science videos were collected. These were then classified into the following categories : effects on the cognitive domain, position in educational activities, possibility of use as teaching materials, effect on career choices, and opinions on video production. We consider that these concrete viewpoints and opinions gained from one particular area of science, low temperature physics, will give hints for the use of videos in practice.



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