

  • The Intentionality of History Education in Okinawa During the Early U.S. Occupation According to <i>Okinawa Rekishi Sanko Shiryō</i>
  • 占領初期沖縄における歴史教育の志向性 : 『沖縄歴史参考資料』を手がかりに
  • センリョウ ショキ オキナワ ニ オケル レキシ キョウイク ノ シコウセイ : 『 オキナワ レキシ サンコウ シリョウ 』 オ テガカリ ニ
  • ―『沖縄歴史参考資料』を手がかりに―



This paper clarifies the intentionality of history education in Okinawa during the early U.S. occupation through an analysis of the historical reference collection, Okinawa Rekishi Sanko Shiryō. <br/> During the early occupation in Okinawa, education regarding militarism, nationalism and the use of Japanese-style educational materials were prohibited. Instead, the curriculum emphasized “the WAY of Okinawa,” which was an attempt to structure a “new” Okinawa in deference to Okinawan identity. <br/> This paper makes the following four arguments. First, the emphasis on “the WAY of Okinawa” in history education at that time was very much in line with occupation policy. Second, most references focus on the Ryukyu Dynastic line and the changes that occurred under their reign. Third, Okinawa Rekishi Sanko Shiryō” states that despite traffic and trade between Japan and Okinawa, Okinawa was not considered a part of Japan. Lastly, the author of Okinawa Rekishi Sanko Shiryō, Shimabukuro Zenpatsu, Director of the Secretariat of Okinawa Civilian Administration, was trying to accomplish his duties conscientiously, as revealed by Okinawa Rekishi Sanko Shiryō and his political statements. <br/> As a result, this paper concludes that it is Zenpatsu Shimabukuro’s political attitudes that determined the intentionality of history education in Okinawa during the early U.S. occupation.


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