Reconsidering Communicative Intention and Convention in Meaning from the Viewpoint of Theoretical Sociology(<Special Issue>Sociolinguistic Sciences of Communication)

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  • 意味することにおける意図と規約 : コミュニケーションに関する理論社会学的関心からの一考察(<特集>コミュニケーションの社会言語科学)
  • 意味することにおける意図と規約--コミュニケーションに関する理論社会学的関心からの一考察
  • イミ スル コトニ オケル イト ト キヤク コミュニケーション ニ カンスル リロン シャカイガクテキ カンシン カラ ノ イチ コウサツ

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It is critically important for theoretical sociology to find an appropriate way of giving a description of communication, which is different enough from a mere physical description of information transmission. This paper explores a way based on H. Paul Grice's theory of non-natural meaning. According to it non-natural meaning can be explained by a speaker's reflective intention (s). There are two kinds of criticisms of Grice's account of meaning, one to emphasize linguistic convention in communication, another to point out infinite regression of reflective intention. Although these criticisms have been discussed separately, by considering a connection between them I show that the reflective intention in communication has an intrinsic relation to the normativeness of language.


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