逍遥とシェイクスピア : 「逆心」の構造について


  • Shoyo and Shakespeare : The Structure of Treason
  • ショウヨウ ト シェイクスピア ギャクシン ノ コウゾウ ニ ツイテ



Tsubouchi Shoyo's Shosetsu Shinzui (The Essence of the Novel), by removing passion, the source of all human sympathy, from the domination of authorityor morality, gained a firm understanding of its structure. lt should also be recalled that Shoyo, who translated Shakespeare's Julius Casar(1884), emphasized the character of Brutus and hoped for the elevation of the "character" of the entire civil rights movement. From the earliest days of his Shakespeare studies, Shoyo was able to focus on the subject of Macbeth's treason. This happened to coincide with the period when the modernization of the imperial system was nearly complete. Shoyo developed his philosophy of treason into an entity capable of confronting the modern rationalization of culture as a whole. Shoyo's criticism of the one-dimensional nature of modem culture was to find form in the creation of a Japanese-style music drama, "Yaku no Gyoja" (1917).


  • 日本文学

    日本文学 31 (4), 62-73, 1982


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