健康人のビタミンB_1代謝に関する生化学的検査 : いわゆる正常値に関して


  • Biochemical Analyses of Vitamin B_1 Metabolism in Normal Subjects
  • ケンコウジン ノ ビタミン B1 タイシャ ニ カンスル セイカガクテキ ケン



We analyzed the metabolism of vitamin B_1 in 674 healthy adult subjects. (1) The values of total vitamin B_1 in the whole blood (VB_1) were 68.1±31.2ng/ml., somewhat lower than those given in previous reports. (2) The activities of transketolase in the hemolysate (TKA) were 461±91μg/ml.ery./h, while the thiamine pyrophosphate (TPP) effect were 11.6±11.5%. 11% of the healthy subjects showed the values above the 25% TPP effect. (3) An inverse correlation was revealed between TKA and TPP effect, but no correlations were confirmed between VB_1 and either of the two. (4) The oral administration of vitamin B_1 brought about a great increase of VB_1 and TPP effect. (5) Blood pyruvate and lactate levels were within normal values. It was concluded that there seemed to be a great number of healthy subjects suffering from a subclinical vitamin B_1 deficiency in Japan recently.


  • ビタミン

    ビタミン 52 (2), 89-95, 1978

    公益社団法人 日本ビタミン学会

被引用文献 (4)*注記


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