放送教育における「生・継続・丸ごと」論の検討 : 最近の論争の検討を中心にして


  • An Analytical Study of the Principle of Viewing TV Programs, "Nama-Keizoku-Marugoto" : Through Reviewing Recent Debates
  • ホウソウ キョウイク ニ オケル ナマ ケイゾク マル ゴト ロン ノ ケント



"Nama-Keizoku-Marugoto" has been approved as the only principle of viewing TV programs in education over thirty years. However, this principle has come into conflict with the situation in today's education, though it has contributed to the promotion of use of broadcasting in this field. Consequently, this principle is causing disorder in educational practices. In spite of this confusion some educators still persist in this theory "Nama-Keizoku-Marugoto". Therefore, this paper intends to criticize this principle and suggests how broadcasting should be used in education today. We will discuss this theory through reviewing the recent debates between Matumoto and Akiyama/Mizukoshi in the magazine, Housou-kyoiku, which is based on logical point of view and an analysis of the present condition of TV-media. This study is discussed follows. 1. An outline of the debates 2. Verification of logical inconsistency and formalism in Matumoto's theory 3. Fallacies of the principle "Nama-Keizoku-Marugoto" 4. An analysis of "Nama-Keizoku-Marugoto" as an epistemology of image 5. Inplication for the future


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