

  • English Pronunciation Teaching in Teacher's License Courses
  • キョウショク カテイ ニ オケル エイゴ ハツオン シドウ ノ イチズケ



The purpose of this paper is two-fold. One is to investigate how many courses on pronunciation teaching are taught in teacher's license course in order to be an English teacher in junior or high school in Japan. Two is to examine how many of these courses treat pronunciation teaching. To teach pronunciation properly with confidence, teachers should acquire three elements of pronunciation teaching, i.e., knowledge on phonetics, pronunciation ability, and skills on teaching pronunciation. The data were gathered examining the courses and their syllabi. The findings show that 40% of the courses do not offer the pre-service teachers any opportunities to acquire knowledge, ability, or teaching skills on pronunciation. Moreover, further investigation of the syllabi that do provide pronunciation-related topics shows that the courses that focus on the teaching skills are very limited. This can be one of the reasons why English teachers do not have much confidence in teaching pronunciation. As far as pronunciation is concerned, some changes are necessary in teacher's license courses, that is, to focus on the three elements of pronunciation teaching.




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