Studies of Body Response to the Inoculation of Endotoxin into Gingiva

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  • 内毒素の歯肉内接種時における生体反応に関する研究
  • ナイ ドクソ ノ シニクナイ セッシュジ ニ オケル セイタイ ハンノウ ニカ

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The immunological responses to inoculation of endotoxins, F. nucleatum and V. parvula into gingiva of rats were studied chronologically in regional lymph nodes, spleen and peripheral blood. The inflammation of alveolar bone resorption in these periodontal tissues were also studied histologically. In this paper we tried to clarify the differences between the responses to these endotoxins and those in the case of E. coli in our previous report. Results obtained were as follows : 1) In submandibular lymph nodes the number of antibody producing cells responding to endotoxins, E. coli, F. nucleatum and V. parvula, reached a maximum at 6hr, 24hr and 72hr after inoculation, respectively. The largest number of these cells were obtained in the case of F. nucleatum and followed E. coli and V. parvula. 2) In the case of spleen the number of antibody producing cells responding to endotoxins, E. coli, F. nucleatum and V. parvula, reached a maximum at 7 days, 5 days, and 3 days after inoculation, respectively. The largest number of these cells were obtained in the case of F. nucleatum. 3) The titer in peripheral blood to endotoxins gradually increased to maximum levels which were higher in F. nucleatum (1 : 2560) than in E. coli (1 : 320) and V. parvula (1 : 320). 4) The inflammatory reactions such as dilations of blood vessels, the disturbances of circulation and edema were recognized in the region from alveolar mucosa to periost within followed several hours of inoculation of each endotoxin and cell infiltration of neutrophils within 24 hr. The damaged periodontal tissues seemed to be repaired to the normal state within 7 days of inoculation. The dense cell infiltrations caused by endotoxins, E. coli, F. nucleatum and V. parvula, were recognized within 6 to 12 hr, 24 hr and 12 to 72 hr after inoculation, respectively. 5) In the case of E. coli the osteocytic osteolysis, probably caused by physiological degenerative changes, was observed in the alveolar crest, but the typical osteoclastic bone resorption was not recognized in the periodontal region. In the case of F. nucleatum the osteoclasts and marked resorption bays were recognized at 12 to 7 hr after inoculation and then degenerative changes followed such as enlargement of bone lacunae atrophy and degeneration of osteocytes and disappearance of process. In the case of V. parvula, the bays resorbed by osteoclast, which could not appear, were recognized at 12 to 72 hr.


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