カドミウム環境汚染による健康影響に関する研究 第3報  富山県神通川流域カドミウム汚染地住民の血液検査成績ならびに血圧値の検討,とくに尿細管障害の重症度との関連において


  • Environmental exposure to cadmium and effects on human health. Part 3. The results of blood examinations and blood pressure in inhabitants of the cadmium-polluted Jinzu river basin in Toyama prefecture.
  • カドミウム カンキョウ オセン ニ ヨ
  • Part 3. The results of blood examinations and blood pressure in inhabitants of the cadmium-polluted Jinzu River basin in Toyama Prefecture
  • 第3報 富山県神通川流域カドミウム汚染地住民の血液検査成績ならびに血圧値の検討,とくに尿細管障害の重症度との関連において



Blood biochemical analyses and the measurement of blood pressure were carried out in 86 female inhabitants of a cadmium-polluted area aged 55 to 71 years. The values for their urinary β2-microglobulin (β2-m) ranged from 0.5 to 137.7mg/g creatinine with a geometric mean of 7.6mg/g creatinine. Therefore, the subjects were. divided into four groups according to the concentration of β2-m in urine: group I, <3mg/g creatinine (n=23); group II, 3-10mg/g creatinine (n=28); group III, 10-30mg/g creatinine (n=19); and group IV, >30mg/g creatinine (n=16).<br>1) Red-cell count, hemoglobin concentration and hematocrit value in group IV significantly decreased compared to the other 3 groups.<br>2) The GOT, GPT and γ-GTP activities in serum were in the normal range in all subjects. No significant differences among the 4 groups were detected in the results of serum total-protein concentration and protein analysis.<br>3) In group IV, the mean values for serum creatinine and β2-m were significantly elevated compared to the other 3 groups. In contrast, serum uric acid concentrations decreased with increasing urinary β2-m.<br>4) No significant differences were detected in the levels of serum Na, K, and Cl of the 4 groups. However, fractional sodium and potassium excretions were raised in group IV compared to the other 3 groups. Systolic and diastolic blood-pressure levels in group IV were the lowest among the 4 groups. Excessive renal sodium excretion due to renal tubular dysfunction may reduce the blood-pressure.


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