Studies on Toxoids from the Venom of Habu (<i>Trimeresurus flavoviridis</i>), a Crotalid

  • SADAHIRO Seiji
    The 2nd Department of Bacteriology, National Institute of Health

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Other Title
  • ハブトキソイドに関する研究
  • ハブトキソイド ニ カンスル ケンキュウ 2 セイセイ トキソイド ノ メンエキ ゲンセイ
  • II. Immunogenicity of toxoids derived from main toxic principles separated from Habu venom
  • II. 精製トキソイドの免疫原性

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1. The crude venom and the purified hemorrhagic principles, HR1 and HR2, were detoxified with formalin. To a 1% solution of these materials had been added formalin initially to a concentration of 0.2% and then every other day to a concentration increasing by 0.2% each time until the solutions were completely detoxified. The solutions became non-toxic in about 3 weeks, the final concentration of formalin ranging from 0.8 to 1.0%.<br>2. All the formol-toxoids thus prepared were then dialyzed. The resultant dialytic residues were designated as Crude-Td, HR 1-Td, and HR 2-Td, respectively. The HR 1-Td and the HR 2-Td were mixed to prepare a Mixed-Td. Each of the four toxoids was mixed with AlPO4 gel to prepare adsorbed toxoids. Adjusted to pH 6.0, each adsorbed toxoid contained 1.35mg/ml of aluminum. The adsorbed toxoids from Crude-Td, HR 1-Td, HR 2-Td, and Mixed-Td contained 5.0, 0.8, 1.7, and 2.5mg/ml of protein, respectively.<br>3. The adsorbed toxoids were then injected subcutaneously into guinea pigs, from which individual serum specimens were titrated for antilethal, as well as antihemorrhagic (anti-HR 1 and anti-HR 2), potencies. The Crude-Td-immunized group produced antibodies against both HR 1 and HR2; the titers of which reached 12 and 16u/ml, respectively, after the 3rd injection. The HR1-Td- and HR 2-Td-immunized groups produced a high anti-HR 1 and anti-HR 2 titer alone, respectively. In the Mixed-Td-immunized groups, the corresponding titers reached 28 and 48u/ml, respectively.<br>In the HR 1-Td- and Mixed-immunized groups, the antilethal titer ranged from 40 to 80u/ml.<br>4. After the 3rd injection, all the immunized animals were challenged with the crude venom, the purified HR 1, or the purified HR 2. The local symptoms developed were observed after 24 hours. A certain protection against the challenge with the crude venom was afforded only by the Crude-Td- or the Mixed-Td-immunized group. The HR 1-Td- and the HR2-Td-immunized group were protected sufficiently against the challenge with the purified HR 1 and HR 2, respectively.


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