Sulfachloropyrazine の抗コクシジウム作用に関する研究


  • Studies on the Mode of Action of Sulfachloropyrazine against Coccidia in Chickens
  • Sulfachloropyrazine ノ コウコクシジウム サヨウ ニ カンスル ケンキュウ エイブン



Effect of sulfachloropyrazine (SCP), sodium-2-sulfanilamide-6-chloropyrazine monohydrate, against chicken's coccidium infections was evaluated under laboratory condition. The following conclusions are drawn:<br>The detectable oocyst discharge was suppressed with 375 and 125ppm of SCP in feed in Eimeria tenella and E. acervulina infections, respectively. Anticoccidial activity of SCP was superior to that of sulfadimethoxine.<br>SCP 375ppm in feed was administered to chicks at different developmental stages after infection with E. tenella. Treatment of the schizogony of E. tenella resulted in complete suppression.<br>Antagonism of the effects of SCP against E. tenella was studied by simultaneous administration of either folic acid or p-aminobenzoic acid (PABA). PABA was more active antagonist of SCP than folic acid.<br>Synergism between SCP and pyrimethamine was observed when the two drugs were given together below singly active dose.<br>The oral administration of SCP against E. tenella had almost the same effectiveness as the subcutaneous route.


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