

  • Nutrition on Human Beings and the Protection of Personal Information.
  • ニンゲン エイヨウガク ケンキュウ ト コジン ジョウホウ ノ ホゴ



The nutrition of human beings is closely connected with the protection of personal information. Personal information means that relating to an individual identified or identifiable by name, date of birth, or other description.<br>There have been no explicit legal rules at the national level in Japan concerning protection of personal data in the private sector, while there are about 40 countries that have enacted such laws. The Personal Information Protection Bill was eventually approved by the Japanese Cabinet on March 27, 2001 for submission to the Diet. This Bill, when it is passed by the Diet and comes into force, will greatly influence the nutrition of human beings.<br>The Bill consists of 7 Chapters on General Provisions, Basic Principles, Responsibilities of the State and Local Government, Measures for the Protection of Personal Information, Duties of Entity Handling Personal Information, Miscellaneous Provisions and Penal Provisions.<br>It is necessary to emphasize that personal information is vital to the nutrition of human beings.


  • 栄養学雑誌

    栄養学雑誌 60 (6), 259-264, 2002

    特定非営利活動法人 日本栄養改善学会

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